This play along jamtrack has a drum intro of two bars, after which you start playing the alternate pickings exercise as demonstrated in the video. The notation at the top of the page is taken from the Jamtracks PDF and shows the bass guitar parts of the three different alternating picking exercises across the strings, along the string and in triplets. The bass line is divided by double bar lines to delineate the three parts, which were generated by strictly following the melody of the exercise on the strong beats 1, 2, 3 and 4.
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Construction of the Alternate Picking Jam Track
This play along jamtrack has a drum intro of two bars, after which you start playing the alternate pickings exercise as demonstrated in the video. The notation at the top of the page is taken from the Jamtracks PDF and shows the bass guitar parts of the three different alternating picking exercises across the strings, along the string and in triplets. The bass line is divided by double bar lines to delineate the three parts, which were generated by strictly following the melody of the exercise on the strong beats 1, 2, 3 and 4.