The chord fingerings on strings 2346 correspond to the chords of string group 1234, with the only difference that the note of the high E string has been shifted to the low E string. This creates a chord whose bass note sounds well separated from the other notes because of the unfretted A string in between. This setup can be optimally used for the combined playing of bass runs and chords – a technique that the guitarist presents in the video of a jamtrack with a walking bass line.
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Structure of chords on strings 2346
The chord fingerings on strings 2346 correspond to the chords of string group 1234, with the only difference that the note of the high E string has been shifted to the low E string. This creates a chord whose bass note sounds well separated from the other notes because of the unfretted A string in between. This setup can be optimally used for the combined playing of bass runs and chords – a technique that the guitarist presents in the video of a jamtrack with a walking bass line.