Fingerings of the 3-notes-per-string natural minor scale
The natural minor scale is distinguished by a half step between the 2nd/3rd and 5th/6th tone, resulting in the interval structure of 1-½-1-1-½-1-1. From each of the seven notes, a fingering is built according to natural modes I-VII and the root A marked by a circle. To play these patterns in different keys, move them using the transposing table.
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Fingerings of the 3-notes-per-string natural minor scale
The natural minor scale is distinguished by a half step between the 2nd/3rd and 5th/6th tone, resulting in the interval structure of 1-½-1-1-½-1-1. From each of the seven notes, a fingering is built according to natural modes I-VII and the root A marked by a circle. To play these patterns in different keys, move them using the transposing table.