The dominant 9th arpeggio consists of the chord tones root (1), second (2) or ninth (9), major third (3), fifth (5) and dominant seventh (b7) which correspond to the notes A, B, C#, E and G in the key of A. This exercise is divided into two parts with different groups of four eighth notes (quavers). In the first part, there is a big jump from the first to the second note followed by two descending arpeggio tones. In the second part after the double bar line, the structure is changed and a small jump appears from the second to third note.
The dominant 9th arpeggio exercise is included in the Guitar Lovers Studies PDF or as play along track in the Jamtracks PDF which feature high graphic resolution for printing and integrated sound.
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Exercise for the dominant 9th arpeggio
The dominant 9th arpeggio consists of the chord tones root (1), second (2) or ninth (9), major third (3), fifth (5) and dominant seventh (b7) which correspond to the notes A, B, C#, E and G in the key of A. This exercise is divided into two parts with different groups of four eighth notes (quavers). In the first part, there is a big jump from the first to the second note followed by two descending arpeggio tones. In the second part after the double bar line, the structure is changed and a small jump appears from the second to third note.
The dominant 9th arpeggio exercise is included in the Guitar Lovers Studies PDF or as play along track in the Jamtracks PDF which feature high graphic resolution for printing and integrated sound.